Stadium Name:Mennaye Field
Stadium Address:
Alexandra Road
TR18 4LF
Ground Information:
Formerly known as Penzance & Newlyn Pirates, the Cornish Pirates play their home games at their traditional home at Mennaye Field in Penzance.
There has been much talk of plans to build a permanent 15,000- seat stadium which will be fit to host Premiership rugby, but the club is still considering its options, particularly as the minimum entry requirements to the Premiership are in a state of flux.
The club developed a business plan with Cornwall Council to build a stadium which could host both the Pirates and Truro City Football Club, but the Council refused any public funding
June 2015
The long-running saga over a new stadium for Cornish Pirates is set to drag on even further.
The clubs’ hopes were dashed when Cornwall Council’s strategic planning committee meeting to consider a retail development which would largely fund the £10million was postponed at short notice.
The 6,000 capacity stadium – with the option to extend to the 10,000 necessary to satisfy Premiership rugby criteria for a place in the top flight – planned for Threemilestone near Truro, is crucial to any hopes Pirates have of playing Premiership rugby in the foreseeable future.
Ticket Prices :( 2015/16)
Advance Ticket Prices:
Grandstand £25
Jewsons Stand-Adult £18
Jewsons Stand – Concession £16
Jewsons Stand – Child £5
Terrace-Adult £13
Terrace-Concession £12
Terrace –Child £1
Under 5’s – Free
Sue Read /Ticket Manager
01736 331961
Monday-Friday 9.00 – 12.00
Disabled Facilities
Wheelchair spaces and seats for an accompanying carer are provided in front of the Main Truro & Penrith College Grandstand on a first come, first served basis.
Disabled facilities are close by at the Penzance end of the Grandstand.
Atmosphere: From the match of the season to the Horlicks award for embarrassment, Guardian rugby correspondent, Robert Kitson, gave his highlights and lowlights of the 2011/12 season:
Best Matchday Atmosphere: "Mennaye Field, Penzance. Sun sinking over Mount's Bay, the Falmouth Marine Band in full cry, genuine supporters, proper rugby club."
Last Updated July 2016
Copyright Miles & Miles Publishing 2016